Kelly Armatage


Kelly Armatage


Kelly Armatage is a Trained Counsellor, Coach and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. For nearly 20 years, Kelly has been assisting the healing of individuals and companies globally. An expert in coaching and behavioral change, Kelly has facilitated over 15,000 1:1 sessions. Kelly is a TEDx Speaker and has run her own Therapy Clinics in Bahrain, New York and the UK.

Kelly is the creator of The A.S.K. Technique, a 3 step accredited therapy technique. A.S.K. was launched in March 2015 and has received rave reviews globally. A.S.K. has been accredited via The International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a course for Therapists and Coaches.

Kelly's work has been featured in Psychology Today, The Huffington Post, BBC, The Sunday Express, Tedx, SiriusXM, Fox News, Daily Star, Women’s Health, Daily Mail and Time Out.

Kelly has contributed to conferences and events, talking with in depth knowledge about personal and corporate change. Interviewed for television, radio and industry and lifestyle publications; her articles have been published worldwide. Kelly can speak with authority on how to transcend any negative personal or corporate programming.

Conscious Life is a member of the Alex Howard Group.

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